Lately you must have seen people using some words prefixed with ‘#’ symbol on their social media post,
this is nothing but a hashtag. If you are new to this social world, you need to get familiar with this term hashtag.
How #hashtag originated?
In 2020, hashtag plays a major role in social media posts especially on Twitter and Instagram but these social
media were never launched with this.
Hashtag was introduced in 1988 at the Internet Relay Chat, where it was used for categorizing images, messages
and videos. The symbol “#” made it easier to search for relevant or associated contents.
Hashtag gained importance through a social media communication on twitter by Chris Messina on August 23, 2007.
After which the use of hashtag grew its popularity and its usage on other social media platforms too.
With its growing popularity it has become an effective marketing tool for business, organizations and even
for an average individual.
Where it can be use & how?
In today’s digital era user easily gets flooded with overload of post/information. To get access to only
the relevant information is when hashtag comes in picture. Following some hashtag of your choice on Twitter
and Instagram can keep you updated on a particular topic.
Hashtags plays a crucial role in developing interest in your social media account. All you have to do is
add on some relevant hashtag to your social media post so that you reach out to your interest based audience.
Wondering how to follow a hashtag to see the relevant post? All you have to click on the hashtag
of your interest and follow that hashtag.
Best way to use hashtag:
Hashtags encourage people to take part in conversation in a particular topic and people engage with
each other even if they are not following one another. While using hashtag on social media can help
your increase your presence, on the other hand using a long keyword like “#besttouragentintheworld”
can harm your social media presence.
As people already know using hashtags can reach out more audience on social media, some take it so seriously
that they flood their post with n number of hashtags. Filling in more hashtags then your content will lead
to diluting the actual message you want to convey and will in turn harm your social media presence.
Instagram post with at least one hashtag have 12.6 percent more engagement than those without.
Although instagram allow use of 30 hashtags it is best when kept upto 10 or fewer.
Importance of Hashtags
Some people might be using hashtags for fun, whereas some use it to keep in track with the social media.
Since the post on social media limits your reach to only your followers, hashtags help business to reach
out to people worldwide having a similar interest base. This is the reason hashtags help your business
reach out to people beyond your followers.
Hashtags is useful in some social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram whereas it doesn’t for Facebook and Linkedin.
As you all know using hashtag can help you increase reach of the post/tweet to your interested audience but it can even
happen that some hashtag isn’t working for it. Don’t panic, try out a different hashtag and see a response, remember
it takes time to catch on. Wait, evaluate and decide.
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